Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh Yeah! She Went There!

Well, I decided to start blogging again! I can't believe how long it has been. I went on quite the adventure today. I took care of BooBoo this afternoon while my sister, Dr. Mom, took the older brother to the doctor. BooBoo got out of his mom's car and whooped it up! He said, "Mom, Mimi is my little boy now!" I think he got a little mixed up and meant to say he was Mimi's boy for the afternoon. Life is quite the adventure with little BooBoo around. He has the most vivid imagination of any three year old I know. He sure brings out the kid in me.

We were driving down a pretty busy street when he informed me that I was driving a race car and we needed to go faster! I think the speed limit on the street was 35 mph. He then started pointing out cars for me to pass. So I indulged him and sped up to a whopping 37 mph and passed a few. He loved it! One of the cars, that I so speedily passed, turned right onto another street. I told BooBoo that the car was so embarrassed that we beat him so he left the race track. BooBoo loved this. He then started pointing out cars for me to "beat up"! I think some of the meaning of "beating" cars got a little mixed up in his 3 yr old mind. He started telling me to "fight that car" and "beat up this car, Mimi". What a tiger!

Well, being the adventurer that I am.......I told BooBoo that we were going to go on a new, faster race track and then proceeded to enter on the Interstate. He was beside himself looking for cars for me to "beat up". I pointed to a car that we had just passed and told him that the car was now eating our dust.......BooBoo then threw his little fist toward the back window and yelled, "Mimi, I threw dirt at him so he could eat dust!" We are quite the team, little Booboo and me.

After we exited the Interstate, he pointed behind us and said, "Look, Mimi, all the cars are behind us! We're good race car drivers!"

I think I'm going to bring him around every time my ego needs a little boost!

1 comment:

Paprika said...

Oh gosh..what fun! I miss you guys! I even miss that little stinker, Boo..hehehe...too cute.