Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Little Trip To New York

I went to New York last week to help pack up Sarah's things.  She is moving back to Little Rock for a while to prepare for more Grad School.  For some reason the girl wants a PhD...go figure???  I am really proud of her but am most happy that she is back home with us for a while after her 2 year stint in Manhatten.  Anyway, I digress.
Back to the trip....My sister, Lynne, Sarah, Sarah's Grandmother Ratliff, and I set off on a little road trip to see some sights, take a break away from responsibilities, and pack up Sarah's stuff. 
These are just a few sights we captured on the way up.
Hershey, Pennsylvania

Aren't these streetlights so cute? They varied from chocolate to silver wrapped.

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Isn't this so neat? Don't worry, we were very discreet with the camera and didn't directly photo anyone.
New Jersey

This was mounted on top of a car!

Can you guess what this picture is all about?  Is she throwing a fit? Collapsing? Asleep on the floor?

Well, it's a little of all three.  She collapsed in a hysterical, laughing fit that completely exhausted her.  We were all very tired and had just checked into a room.  We were attempting to collect all our luggage and enter the room.  Grandma Ratliff went first and apparently I wasn't quick enough to catch the door before it closed in our faces.  Grandma went through the room completely unaware that Sarah, Lynne, and I were waiting and laughing hysterically in the hallway.  We finally got her attention and she kindly opened the door for us.
I must confess that, luckily, we were able to get Sarah packed up without much fuss and even make it back to Little Rock just barely ahead of the big North East snow storm.

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