Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hippity Hoppity

Meet our newest family member, Van Gogh. We thought the name was cute and it fits him. He is just a little bunny, who, tragically had part of his ear nibbled off by his mother. He is very cute and trying to accustom himself to our rowdy crew. My girls have been great about caring for him. The clean his cage about 2-3 times a day, they make certain his water bottle is full, and they keep plenty of food for him. They love to cuddle with him. They are constantly asking to hold him. They get to hold him quite a bit but I also think he needs some down time so he doesn't stress too much.

BooBoo has been staying with me this week while his Mom is in NYC. He loves Vanny Go Gogh! He wants to hold him all the time! Vanny Go Gogh isn't so sure about this....Sometimes too much huggin' and squeezin' isn't a good thing. Vanny is happy each night when BooBoo goes home. You can see the relief as BooBoo walks out the door. He settles himself down and takes a well deserved nap.

When BooBoo is around we always have to be careful that he is not opening the cage and getting Vanny out by himself. Once I told him he couldn't hold Vanny because he was asleep. That didn't deter BooBoo. He walked over and banged on Vanny's cage, then pronounced," Vanny Go Gogh is awake! Now can I hold him?" He is constantly peering into the cage and letting us know how many times Vanny has "pooped" in his cage. He calls LiLi and YaYa to come clean it out. He knows we take Vanny out of the cage to clean it. BooBoo knows all the tricks to hold his beloved new friend.

So welcome to our clan, Van Gogh! May you be as happy and crazy as we are!

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